Miraz Light At Work Photography

Belly To Baby | Baby C 9 Months | North Metro Atlanta Newborn, Baby and Children's Photographer

I have had the privilege of photographing this not-so-little-anymore cute bundle since the time he was in his gorgeous Mama's belly. He is now 9 months old. How time flies !! I love photographing him, not only because he and his mama were my very first clients last year, but also because he's just so darn adorable ! My little girl dotes on him so much that if she sees me running edits on his pictures, she plants herself right next to me for the entire time, reaffirming every minute or two - "Mommy isn't baby C so cute?". When she meets him in person, she doesn't lose a single opportunity to play with him, as long as his older sister who's her best friend will allow. Other times, she won't really care with the gallery I am editing.

I do offer a belly to baby series capturing each important milestone from maternity pictures to baby's first birthday. Just ask me for details !

In the meanwhile, here are some pictures. Hope you're as happy viewing them as I was capturing them!

PS: Can you tell the team his parents root for? Lol !


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